COVID-19 Updates: Tougher Rules In UK During Holiday Season

On Monday, Britain’s deputy prime minister Dominic Raab said 12 people infected with the Omicron virus have died in the country, but he refused to rule out more restrictions before Christmas. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus in the run-up to the festival has left the British authorities in a pickle, with reports of … Read more

What is a Physiatrist?

A physiatrist specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R). They are trained at the bedside to diagnose, manage, and treat patients with musculoskeletal trauma or other neurological or orthopedic disorders. These physicians often treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by an injury or response to a traumatic event. A good example of a … Read more

How Is Covid-19 and PCR Testing Affecting the World of Sports?

When the first news of an unknown virus appeared in December 2019, which infected several thousand people, most were not worried. SARS epidemics have already occurred in China, but have not spread to the rest of the world. Epidemics of Ebola, plague and other very dangerous diseases also occur occasionally in Africa and Asia, even … Read more

Stair Workout To Do With Friends

“Always take the stairs” is an age-old adage aimed to make every day active. I suggest we take that notion one step further and always consider a stair workout when seeking a quick and effective sweat. The case for incorporating stair workouts into your regular routine, or making it a new habit with friends is … Read more

Favorite Clean Skincare Products from Amazon

Whenever possible, I work to patronize small, locally owned businesses for my skincare and natural beauty products. However, that is not always possible or can be cost prohibitive and let’s be honest, Amazon is pretty damn convenient for busy folks! Today I share some of the things I’m always showcasing on Instagram, and that I … Read more