Strategies for an Affordable Ketogenic Lifestyle – Finding Cost-Effective Keto Ingredients

Strategies for an Affordable Ketogenic Lifestyle

The ketogenic or “keto” diet has exploded in popularity due to its effectiveness for weight loss and health benefits. However, many assume that following a low-carb, high-fat diet must be expensive given the emphasis on meat, cheese, nuts and other pricey foods. In reality, with smart grocery choices and meal planning, keto can readily fit … Read more

Clever Tips to Teach Your Kids How to Swim

Have you ever sat down with your children and explained to them the importance of learning how to swim? I’m sure you have. Why is it so important to learn this skill? Think about it in terms of your own life: How many times have you needed to swim across a fast-moving river when you’ve … Read more

6 Breathing Exercises To Help You Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although many strategies can help promote better sleep, such as avoiding screens right before bed, sleeping with a cooling weighted blanket and reducing caffeine during the day, controlled breathing techniques have been scientifically proven to help you relax and get to sleep faster. … Read more

Walks In The Park Could Help To Manage Anxiety and Depression

It’s a well-established fact that exercise helps to enhance mood. When we exercise, the brain releases feel-good neurochemicals known as endorphins which are responsible for stimulating personal well-being. However, people that are struggling with anxiety and depression often don’t feel like exercising. In fact, the mere thought of running or hitting the gym is so overwhelming, your … Read more

5 of the Best Foods for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a big danger in our modern culture. But unfortunately, a lot of people have the wrong idea about it. A lot of people blame it on just having bad luck or bad genetics.  But the truth is actually much more sinister. The vast majority of cases of high blood pressure could be … Read more