How Sue stopped her lifelong battle with food

Over the past 30 years, Sue has struggled with her weight and her weight has been a constant nagging issue. She has tried all the diets, all the fad diets, all the crash diets, and even a few quick fixes. She has also tried countless things to help her lose weight, including eating healthier and … Read more

Starting Low Carb or Keto with Diabetes Medications –

Diet and medications can be complicated for people with diabetes. This is for two main reasons: 1. Diabetics respond to carbohydrates differently, so they may need to adjust their carb intake or medication needs (depending on blood sugars) throughout the day. 2. Diabetics should always check with a physician before starting a new diet or … Read more

New low-carb and dairy-free meal plan

A review of a new low-carb and dairy-free meal plan I am always experimenting with different meal plans and recipes to see what I can come up with that will keep me on track and also taste good. I was trying a dairy free meal plan and I thought “why not?”, so I went ahead … Read more

All About Growth Hormone |

What is Growth Hormone? Growth Hormone (HGH) is a naturally-occurring hormone found in the human body. It is our bodies’ main source of energy, allowing us to function at our best. Growth Hormone also has a strong impact on our metabolism, and is often called an “insulin like growth factor”. Growth Hormone levels decline as … Read more

Banana before or after workout |

Banana before or after workout. I am more than happy to admit that I have tried this before. It is a little strange. But I have to say that I have been pretty successful with it. I am not a huge fan of the taste of bananas before and after working out. But, I know … Read more