A lot of versatile motion happens around the shoulders. Any injury to the shoulder joints may hinder their movements and cause severe pain and discomfort. Massage therapy is among the most recommended solutions for easing this pain by stabilizing the muscles and improving its position. Check out healthreportlive.com for chronic pain solutions.
The shoulder acts as a joint for three bones: long arm bone, collarbone, and scapula. Your rotator cuff, which consists of muscles and tendons, holds these bones in place. This part also protects the long arm bone, allowing you to easily raise and move the arm.

3 Reasons for Shoulder Pains
Healthy stretches before and after a workout are important for maximizing fitness results and easing any pain around the shoulders. Many things are likely to make it hurt, hamper its motion, and cause unnecessary discomfort. Check out these causes of shoulder pain as suggested by a physiotherapist.
1. Inflammations

The four tendons around the shoulder joints can easily suffer inflammation when an individual fails to exercise often. Inflammations around these parts also occur when there are sudden, repetitive movements. Wrong posture, especially at work, also increases the risks of tendon inflammations. With time, this problem becomes severe and can spread into the entire shoulder.
The fluid-filled sacs (bursa) in the shoulder joints can also suffer from inflammation because of sharp movements. Inflamed bursae result in irritations due to increased friction in the joints. You may notice swelling and redness in the area with these inflammations (bursitis). Sharp pain occurs when one tries to move the shoulders or do other forms of its exercises.
Arthritis in the shoulders (osteoarthritis) also causes inflammation, making the shoulders hurt. When this type of arthritis goes untreated, it will damage its nerves, causing considerable pain and stiffness. Arthritis also affects how the layer of cartilage in the shoulder joints rub together, increasing their chances of breaking down.
Several things cause arthritis inflammation around the shoulder joints. Excessive body weight hinders the movements of the shoulders, increasing the risks of this degenerative joint disease. When injuries occur repetitively in the shoulder joints, the soft structures weaken with time, increasing the risks of this condition. Some of the best solutions to this disease are physiotherapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, and not overworking the shoulder joints.
2. Dislocations

Shoulder dislocations make it hurt so much that they weaken with time. Accidents like electrocutions, falling on the shoulder, or even sports injuries can cause dislocations. These accidents pull back or rotate it excessively, causing the top of the humerus to come out of the socket. The rotator cuff also sustains injuries, which can damage the nerves if the injury is extreme.
A professional physical therapist is the best choice for shoulder dislocations. They have excellent skills to reset the shoulders in less painful ways. Pain relievers and maintaining the right shoulder movements are also good remedies for this issue.
3. Tear on the Cartilage and Rotator Cuff

A torn cartilage also spreads the pain around the shoulders. The problem hampers the rubbing work of the cartilage, causing pain and instability around them. One may also feel like the shoulder locks up when trying to move it.
Tears on the rotator cuff are also a major cause of pain in the shoulder muscles and joints. The pain becomes extreme when one tries to lift even lighter things. Lying on it with a torn rotator cuff at night also causes a lot of pain.
Consider Massage Therapy

Shoulder pain can affect your overall comfort and even cause stress-related psychological issues. When not treated early enough, the discussed shoulder problems can escalate, affecting overall health. Massage therapy is recommended for reducing shoulder pain by increasing blood supply, strengthening the muscles, and improving the shoulder’s range of motions