The keto Diet Plan: Your Complete How-To Guide

One of the most popular diets in America today is the keto diet, which has been used by people from all walks of life for weight loss and overall health. However, while the keto diet has many benefits, such as weight loss and improved health, it also has several downsides, such as a low carb intake and restricted calories in general.

The keto diet is a nutritional approach where you eat high fat, moderate protein and low-carbohydrate vegetables. It can be a useful way of eating that improves fat metabolism and encourages weight loss, but it’s not appropriate for people with diabetes, who should eat a more balanced diet. The aim is to make you lose weight, with healthy, nutritious low-carbohydrate foods, including lots of non-starchy vegetables.

The keto diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that improves metabolic health. Studies show that keto diets aid in the treatment of epilepsy, autism and a wide variety of other brain-related disorders. The keto diet may also be beneficial for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, HIV, cancer, and diabetes. The keto diet is simply a fat-burning diet that has helped millions of people lose fat.. Read more about keto diet plan free pdf and let us know what you think.

The Fundamentals | History | Carbohydrate Allowances | Benefits | Drawbacks | Coaching | Food List

Many of us know at least one individual who swears by keto, if not many.

We also know a lot of people who have stated, “It was terrible.”

Which sounds a lot like… ALL DIETS.

So here’s the only question worth asking:

Is the ketogenic diet suitable for you?

Should you suggest it to your customers if you’re a coach?

We’ll show you how to find it out in this article.

How? By assisting you in comprehending the keto diet, its origins, and the hoopla around it. You’ll discover the benefits and drawbacks so you can decide whether it’s right for you (or your clients).

We’ll also link you to a meal list that shows you what to eat and how much.

Then we’ll treat you to supper… Okay, that’s clearly taking things too far. (I don’t even know who you are!)

But what about the rest of it? We’ve got your back.

The fundamentals of the ketogenic diet

Ketogenic diets (or keto for short) force your body to utilize ketones instead of glucose as its main fuel source by restricting carbs.

We’ll need to go into some biology to properly grasp what it implies.

The human body requires a continuous supply of energy, mainly glucose. Glucose is mostly obtained via the consumption of carbs.

So, if you don’t consume carbs, what happens?

To the rescue, ketosis and gluconeogenesis.

Our bodies have a sophisticated system of safety nets that have brought us through some of humanity’s most trying periods. (Think famines, hunting animals that escaped, no vending machines…)

If food isn’t accessible right away, our systems resort to glycogen, a kind of glucose stored mostly in the liver and muscle cells.

We have enough glycogen to keep us going for a few more days. When our glycogen stores are exhausted and food is limited, our nerve, brain, and blood cells become, well, hungrier.

Set the backup mechanisms in motion:

When total calories or carbs are extremely low, ketosis kicks in. When fasting, exercising hard for a lengthy period of time, sleeping, and (you guessed it) following the keto diet, this may happen. Our liver breaks down fat to produce ketones, which may replace glucose as a source of energy for our cells. (Although most cells prefer glucose over ketones, brain, nerve, and blood cells are very fussy about glucose as a source of energy.)

Gluconeogenesis is the process through which your body produces glucose from non-carbohydrate substances such as lipids and proteins. These lipids and proteins may originate from stored fat, muscle tissue, or organ tissue, or they can come from the food.

Ketosis and gluconeogenesis are both natural reactions to a lack of glucose.

But how did ketosis become such a popular diet trend?

The keto diet was not created with weight reduction in mind.

It was created to help people with epilepsy.

Fasting was discovered to help decrease seizures by doctors. They couldn’t, however, advise patients to fast forever.

The keto diet, on the other hand, simulates fasting by inducing ketosis.

Ketosis decreases seizure frequency for unknown reasons. It’s possible that changing macronutrients influences neurotransmitters and brain metabolism. 1 There are many hypotheses, but no one knows for certain.

The keto diet was eventually discovered by the fitness industry. “If the keto diet simulates fasting, this must be the secret to losing weight while still eating cheese!” they reasoned.

(The truth, like with most magic bullets, is more complex and less miraculous.) But we’ll get to it later.)

Carbohydrates: How low are we going?

In general, approximately 70-90 percent of the calories in a ketogenic diet come from fat. As a consequence, the remaining 10-30% of calories will be derived from a combination of carbs and protein.

What’s the deal with the ranges? Because there are a variety of keto and low-carb diets to choose from.

Diet Protein % Carb % Fat % Description
The first ketogenic diet 6% 4% 90% As a dietary intervention for epilepsy, it is designed to induce and sustain ketosis.
Keto is a popular diet. 20% 5-10% 70-75% The original keto diet, as modified by popular diet culture, in a more balanced and maintainable form. (It’s usually used to lose weight.)
Keto for performance 30% 5-10% 60-65% It’s used to help with sports performance and muscular growth.
Low carb ~30% 20% 50% Carbohydrates are lower in a balanced macronutrient diet, although the precise amounts vary. Although all keto diets are low carb, this does not imply that they are keto.

Most Americans eat a moderate-to-high-carbohydrate diet, with carbohydrates accounting for slightly under half of their total calories. 2

(The delights of endless noodle bowls.)

Regardless, some individuals like the keto diet. They claim that they aren’t as hungry and that their energy levels are consistent.

Others, on the other hand, are unhappy. Their athletic performance or energy levels decrease as a result. They start to have stomach issues. And, for the love of God, they miss pizza and fresh, in-season peaches.

Even individuals with epilepsy frequently choose medicine over the keto diet since it is so difficult to stick to.

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The advantages of a ketogenic diet

People who have had great success with the ketogenic diet (understandably) want to brag about it.

“Can you consume butter on any other diet?” “And what about the cream?”

And they’re not mistaken. There are many advantages to following a rigorous ketogenic diet. 3

The keto diet may help you lose weight more quickly (initially).

It’s true: individuals who follow the keto diet lose weight somewhat faster than those who follow other diets. 4,5,6,7

This very fast weight loss may be quite encouraging.

“Yay! It seems to be working!”

Unfortunately, that first weight reduction is due to water loss rather than fat loss.

This is how it works:

When you stop consuming carbohydrates, your body’s carbohydrate reserves, also known as glycogen, are rapidly depleted. Glycogen stores a lot of water, therefore as glycogen levels decline, so does water weight.

Glycogen is mostly stored in your liver and muscles. The more glycogen your liver and/or muscles can store, the better.

That’s why those massive, brawny MMA fighters may lose 15-20 pounds before a weigh-in just by changing their carbohydrate intake (and usually salt).

However, examining the body composition of those water-manipulated athletes—or an early keto dieter—you’ll see that their body fat proportion hasn’t altered much.

To put it another way:

Manipulation of bodily water affects weight but not fat mass. You haven’t really become slimmer; you’ve just shed water.

For better or worse, the early scale decrease may make individuals feel like they’re making progress, motivating them to do additional good activities.

Benefit #2: The keto diet may aid with appetite suppression.

When someone cuts calories, they frequently feel rebound hunger, which makes sticking to a low-calorie diet difficult.

However, one research found that individuals who follow a calorie-restricted, keto-style diet had reduced compensatory hunger. 3 According to other studies, they may even eat less calories on their own. 8

What are the chances that this will happen?

Reduced meal choices may result in a condition known as “sensory-specific satiety.” When individuals eat the same meals again and over, such items lose their attraction. 9

Furthermore, since liquid calories—soda, juice, and even milk—are typically forbidden on the keto diet, individuals tend to consume a higher percentage of calories from solid meals, which are more satisfying. ten eleven twelve

Finally, increased blood levels of ketones, which rise when carbohydrates are limited, may aid in appetite suppression. 13 14 and 15

Benefit #3: The keto diet may provide a psychological sense of liberation (for some).

There isn’t much room for wiggle room when it comes to keto. You may eat this but not that, according to the regulations.

While some individuals find keto to be excessively restrictive, others like the restrictions and clarity.

It implies fewer choices and, as a result, fewer decisions. This may free up a lot of brain space, making it simpler to stick to a diet (at least mentally).

Benefit #4: The keto diet may aid in the reduction of blood sugar and insulin resistance.

In individuals with type 2 diabetes16 17 and/or metabolic illness, the keto diet may improve hemoglobin A1c (a measure of average blood sugar levels). 18

However, the advantages of keto on cholesterol and triglycerides—two additional metabolic illness markers—are less apparent.

According to several studies, eating a healthy diet helps maintain normal blood lipid levels by increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol and decreasing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. 20 21 19 20 Other study, on the other hand, suggests that it may increase LDL cholesterol22, which is a common risk factor for chronic illness.

While keto may benefit some people with metabolic illness, such as improved cholesterol profiles and blood sugar control, it may also make cholesterol and other chronic disease indicators worse for others.

Isn’t it perplexing?

Unfortunately, nutrition research is sparse in this area, and individual variability makes things rather unpredictable.

However, we do know that losing weight may assist normalize cholesterol levels and improve blood sugar control. 23

In other words, if you’re losing weight on the keto diet while keeping a regular exercise regimen and eating as many colorful vegetables as possible, you’re definitely on the correct road. If you’re concerned about your cholesterol levels, consult with your doctor to have them checked.

Cons of a Ketogenic Diet

Some individuals feel great on the keto diet, while others feel like… garbage.

They’re sluggish and bloated, and they’re plagued by nightmares of running baguettes that are just out of reach. A long-term, rigorous keto diet has certain nutritional disadvantages as well.

Con #1: Being the person who can’t eat bread, spaghetti, or even an apple is lonely.

So many of life’s happy occasions appear to center around carbohydrates.

For birthdays, there is cake. After work on Fridays, there’s beer. You and your niece are sharing a cookie. Soup with dumplings from your aunt.

All of this may make following the ketogenic diet seem a bit… lonely.

And if there’s one thing we know about diets, it’s that they only work if you follow them religiously.

This leads us to the following point.

Con #2: The keto diet is very difficult to maintain over time.

Long-term research (trials lasting over six months) indicates that many keto dieters gradually increase their carb intake. This includes individuals who are attempting to stick to the keto diet rigorously.

Most keto dieters have gone from eating fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day to eating more than 100 grams per day after a year. 24 and 25

A bowl of cereal, a banana, a bagel, and a dish of rice all have about the same amount of carbohydrate. This implies carbs account for 16 to 22 percent of their daily calories (assuming a 1800- to 2400- Calorie diet). These aren’t keto by any stretch of the imagination.

Fortunately, many individuals may get the advantages of keto (particularly improved blood sugar) without adhering to the keto diet or remaining in ketosis. 26

Con #3: The keto diet may cause gastrointestinal irregularities.

The keto diet is low in soluble and insoluble fiber because it restricts or eliminates fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. (This is particularly true in the keto diet’s initial form.)

Eating fiber-rich foods and drinking fluids are linked to poop frequency (alcohol excluded). 27

As you would expect, individuals on the keto diet may discover that they need to go to the bathroom less often.

It also implies that the good bacteria in your stomach, which eat soluble fiber as their main food source, aren’t being nourished. The ketogenic diet does, in fact, result in a reduction in the number and variety of helpful gut flora. 29 28

A fiber supplement and perhaps a probiotic supplement are two viable solutions to this problem. (For additional information on the benefits and drawbacks of probiotics, see Probiotics: Do They Really Work?)

Con #4: A ketogenic diet may raise your chance of developing a number of illnesses.

A rigorous keto diet, in addition to being low in fiber, favors colorful fruits and vegetables and is rich in fat, particularly saturated fat.

This is why such an eating pattern may cause problems:

Consumption of fruits, vegetables, and fiber is linked to a lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and overall mortality. 31 32 30 31

Excess saturated fat intake, on the other hand, has been linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease33 and may also cause fatty liver disease. 34 (See Saturated fat: Is it Good or Bad for You?) to learn how much saturated fat is safe to consume.

You don’t have to go keto to follow this eating plan, however.

The Standard American Diet, or SAD, is similar in that it is low in fiber, fruits, and vegetables, and high in saturated fats. It’s also rich in processed carbs, unlike keto.

As you would expect, the SAD diet is related to a variety of chronic illnesses. 35

These eating habits, whether keto or SAD, aren’t likely to benefit our long-term health.

The keto flu is unpleasant, but it is not infectious.

Flu-like symptoms, such as sleepiness, tiredness, nausea, poor appetite, and stomach discomfort, may appear when your body shifts from burning glucose to using ketone bodies for energy.

Some individuals may have difficulty concentrating, sleeping, and are irritable or depressed.

This isn’t something that happens to everyone, and it typically passes in a week.

Stay hydrated, relax when you can, and make sure you’re receiving enough calories to satisfy your energy requirements (even if the majority of those calories aren’t carbohydrates).

Discontinue the diet and contact your doctor if symptoms of tiredness, poor appetite, or dizziness develop severe or last longer than a week.

Con #5: The ketogenic diet is deficient in some nutrients.

The keto diet limits or eliminates grains, legumes, and many vegetables in order to decrease carbohydrates. Non-starchy veggies (such as leafy greens, cucumber, and celery) may be consumed in small quantities. A tiny apple or a handful of berries will enough for fruit.

Protein items are also scarce if you’re following a rigorous form of the diet, such as the original keto diet. (Because popular and performance keto diets allow for extra protein, this isn’t an issue.)

The keto diet is low in several vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and (possibly) protein:

  • B1 is a kind of vitamin.
  • B2 is a B vitamin.
  • B3 is a B-complex vitamin.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin D is an important nutrient.
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium

Consider taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement if you’re on keto for a long time.

Is it possible to utilize the keto diet to treat medical conditions?

As previously stated, there is evidence that the keto diet (or, more accurately, most low-carb diets) may help people with type 2 diabetes and/or metabolic illness. 17 18 and 19

If you’re a coach, keep in mind that you can’t treat a medical issue like diabetes or high cholesterol unless you’re properly trained to do so.

Work with your client’s doctor if your client has been diagnosed with one of these diseases and you believe a low-carb or ketogenic diet may assist.

Alternatively, you may urge your customer to seek out a specialist who specializes in this field. Look for a Certified Diabetes Educator in Canada (CDE). Look for a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist in the United States (CDCES). These experts are trained to diagnose and treat diabetes using a mix of food, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, medicines given by the patient’s physician.

Who isn’t a good candidate for keto?

While many healthy people can follow a ketogenic diet without problems, it is a no-no for others.

Here are a handful of such warning organizations:

Women who are pregnant

Because putting pregnant people on a limited diet seldom passes the ethical board, much of the research on keto during pregnancy has been done on rats or mice.

And the evidence on rodents isn’t encouraging: Ketogenic-style diets given to pregnant rats affected embryonic organ growth36 or raised the odds of pups dying within a week after birth significantly. 37

Athletes who compete

To get an advantage over a competitor, you may need to race fractions of a second quicker or lift fractions of a pound heavier. Athletes and coaches are well aware that any edge, no matter how small, matters.

According to the most convincing studies, a very low carb diet may reduce performance by up to 8%. 39 38

Type 1 diabetes patients

Although the keto diet (and low-carb diets in general) may assist with type 2 diabetes management, type 1 diabetes is a whole other story.

Type 1 diabetics are unable to produce insulin. Insulin functions as a key that allows sugar from the bloodstream to enter the cell and be utilized for energy.

Sugar cannot enter the cell without insulin. It lingers in the bloodstream, wreaking havoc on tissues and organs. Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when blood sugar levels become too high.

Despite the fact that the keto diet may reduce blood sugar through dietary sources, possibly lowering the quantity of insulin required, individuals with type 1 diabetes will always need medication.

This is owing to the fact that blood sugar levels may increase for causes other than carbohydrate intake. (Stress, for example, may cause blood sugar to rise.)

Furthermore, although diet and exercise may be effective supplementary treatments for type 1 diabetes, they must be closely managed and monitored as well. Manipulation of carbohydrate consumption (or even severe exercise) may be dangerous and should always be done under medical supervision.

Ketosis and ketoacidosis are not synonymous.

They have the same prefix keto- because they both entail the synthesis of ketone bodies.

However, ketosis and ketoacidosis are not the same thing.

Ketoacidosis, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when both ketones and blood sugar levels reach dangerously high, causing the blood to become very acidic.

Ketoacidosis may develop in individuals with type 1 diabetes if they don’t receive enough insulin or if their insulin doesn’t function properly due to sickness, infection, pregnancy, stress, or eating too much sugar.

Low blood sugar causes ketosis, which is a natural reaction. When the body runs out of glucose, it turns to fat for energy, which results in the production of ketones. Ketosis isn’t a life-threatening condition, and it’s also not hazardous.

In conclusion:

Ketoacidosis (hyperglycemia with excessive ketones) is a medical emergency.


Low blood sugar and ketone generation = Ketosis is a normal reaction to low blood sugar.

People who have a history of eating disorders

Playing with restrictive diets may be dangerous if you—or your client—has dealt (or is dealing) with disordered eating, even if the diet isn’t directly linked to weight loss.

Rather, individuals who struggle with disordered food attitudes, emotions, and behaviors may focus on increasing hunger awareness and mindful eating, as well as learning to separate food choices from self-worth, success, or failure.

How to Coach Customers

It requires strategy and preparation to follow a ketogenic diet well.

Coaches can help with this.

Here are some broad guidelines to assist your customers follow a ketogenic diet in the best manner possible.

1. Experiment and explore.

If your client is dead set on trying keto, don’t lecture them about nutritional shortages or the dangers of bacon.

That will just alienate them, prompting them to seek out another coach who can guide them through the keto diet.

Even if you disagree with your client’s goals and views, respect them.

Here’s a fantastic phrase to say if a customer comes to you eager to keto their butts off (and isn’t in one of the aforementioned no-no groups):

“Let’s give it a shot!”

Observe their enthusiasm for the diet as well as their ability to follow it.

Do they have the time (or desire) to prepare special meals, navigate social eating, and calculate carbohydrate grams? Is it possible for them to afford almond flour for everything?

Help them understand what to anticipate, but also encourage a spirit of adventure.

2. Take stock of how things are going.

Check in with your client on a regular basis with one of our favorite coaching questions: “How’s that working for you?”

(In fact, we developed a quiz to assist you—or your clients—in determining this: Best diet test: How well is that diet working for you?)

Be open and honest with your feedback: What has shown to be effective? What hasn’t happened?

Perhaps the diet is making them feel sluggish and irritable, or they miss eating what their family does. Or maybe everything is going swimmingly, and they can’t wait for their next filet of macadamia nut-crusted salmon on cloud bread.

Make the most of what’s working and assist your customer in doing more of it. If something isn’t working well, work with your customer to figure out how to make it better, or abandon it and go on.

If your customer doesn’t fit into one of these categories, let them know that it’s not a personal failing.

3. Assist clients in navigating social eating situations.

For clients, becoming healthy may include making decisions that vary from those of their loved ones, as well as uncomfortable (but necessary) conversations about health priorities.

It may be alienating, though, when their diet differs significantly and regularly from that of the others around them.

Encourage customers to partake in communal dining since the alternative is losing out on a valuable aspect of life: social interaction.

Assist customers in coming up with methods to be sociable while staying on the keto diet. Clients may be advised to:

  • To bring to gatherings, prepare keto-friendly meals.
  • Consume keto-friendly meals that meet their family’s nutritional requirements.
  • Make a decision on if and when they want to deviate from their diet (Christmas dinner, their daughter’s birthday, a gourmet weekend getaway with friends).

4. Supplement in a strategic manner.

People who stick to a rigorous keto diet for an extended period of time should work with a competent nutritional or medical expert to avoid and treat any deficits.

Filling nutritional deficiencies may be as simple as focusing on particular nutrient-dense foods (e.g. colorful, non-starchy veggies, Brazil nuts, omega 3-rich fatty fish, and modest amounts of berries).

Supplements, like as fiber or particular vitamins or minerals, are often included in a keto dieter’s long-term health plan.

5. Stick to your area of practice and refer out as necessary.

You can’t recommend any kind of diet for medical problems unless you have a medical nutrition therapy license.

Don’t suggest that your client embark on a keto diet to get rid of their diabetes or epilepsy.

In addition, the keto diet may affect some cardiovascular indicators such as LDL and HDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, which can only be interpreted and monitored by a specialist.

A nutrition coach may assist with meal planning, maintaining a food diary to monitor the link between diet and symptoms, and providing general support and responsibility.

The idea is that you may play a critical role in assisting customers in sticking to a diet if you stay within your area of expertise.

What to Eat on the Keto Diet

The keto diet is high in fat, but that doesn’t imply you can eat bacon and dark chocolate whenever you want.

Food quality and nutritional density are still important considerations.

While many individuals on a strict ketogenic diet may still need to supplement, they can obtain a decent variety of nutrients from the following sources:

  • vegetables that aren’t starchy
  • Berries
  • Other fruits and starchy vegetables in modest amounts on occasion
  • Seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Eggs and poultry
  • Meats from pasture
  • Avocado, almonds, seeds, egg yolks, coconut, and olives are all good whole food fat sources.

Use our keto diet food list infographic for a full visual guidance.

Also, use our macros calculator to figure out how much protein, carbohydrates, and fat you should consume on the keto diet. (It’s free and provides you a personalized diet plan based on your eating habits and objectives.)

Please bear in mind that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all keto diet.

Our list will assist you in focusing on less processed natural foods while also emphasizing the importance of total nutritional balance.

If you’re a coach, you may have clients that follow various keto diets, which is OK. The essential element is assisting them in being successful and healthy regardless of whatever diet (or no diet) they select.

The reality is that a ketogenic diet may help some individuals feel and perform better.

Others, on the other hand, thrive on a higher carbohydrate diet.

For better or worse, there isn’t a single diet that works for everyone.

We, as a species, are varied. And it is something to rejoice about.


To see the information sources mentioned in this article, go here.

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They say things were simpler back in the old days. Well, not exactly. But they were simpler in that they were more basic. And nowadays, we’re fighting to stay afloat in a sea of information overload.. Read more about keto diet explained and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you take complete Keto?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Keto is a diet where you eat high amounts of fat and very low amounts of carbs. It can be achieved by either fasting or following a ketogenic diet.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many meals a day do you eat on the keto diet?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I eat two meals a day, breakfast and dinner.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What should my numbers be for Keto?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The keto diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. Its not a diet that you should start with any specific number in mind.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take complete Keto?

Keto is a diet where you eat high amounts of fat and very low amounts of carbs. It can be achieved by either fasting or following a ketogenic diet.

How many meals a day do you eat on the keto diet?

I eat two meals a day, breakfast and dinner.

What should my numbers be for Keto?

The keto diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. Its not a diet that you should start with any specific number in mind.

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