Why Nutrition Science is so Confusing [Infographic]

Nutrition science is complex. A lot of it is based on research that has not been replicated, and many studies that have been done on the same topic have shown different results. So what does it all mean? There are a lot of good reasons to eat foods that are high in protein, such as … Read more

Hidden Health Benefits of Boric Acid

Boric acid comes from a natural mineral called Boron, and it can be found in our environment, as well as in some foods such as nuts. People take this particular supplement for a wide range of reasons, including as a treatment for osteoarthritis and yeast infections. But, what a lot of individuals don’t know is … Read more

How to Stop Your Feet and Ankles from Hurting While Exercising

The issues of foot pain are known trouble to everybody. Whether you are doing some weight lifting or you are running outside, you are bound to run into the issue of sore feet sooner or later. Thankfully, the remedies are as numerous as the issue is broad. In this article, we will give you some … Read more

Top 5 Fitness Activities to Complement Your Yoga Practice |

Yoga is an excellent way to improve flexibility and, in many cases, muscle tone. To complement your yoga practice, there are other activities that can help you to improve your flexibility and tone. Yoga is a terrific workout for the entire body, but it’s not the only type of exercise you should be doing. If … Read more